this page is a work in progress


Am I In An Abusive Relationship?

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Broken Hearted?

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Single & Looking?

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Looking For Love?

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Rebuilding A New Life

Going from survivor to thriver after the relationship ends. 

Narcissists, Narcissism

& Energy Vampires

Partners, friends, family and strangers...

Have you spotted the narcissistic traits and is this the same as a narcissist.  

Am I With A Narcissist?

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You Think It's Them - Maybe It's You?

Often people who think they are empaths, or accuse others of being narcissistic, are in fact narcissists themselves.

Dealing With A Narcissist Partner 

You thought they were crazy about you, but now you're wondering if you're sleeping with the enemy?

Energy Vampires 

They may or may not be full-blown narcissists but are they draining your energy?